Saturday, December 08, 2007

Dear Santa..


My legs are really, really tired. I swear they are calling for USqueeze as soon as I ended work just now. The problem is I don't even own that product. Maybe by the time I can really afford to get one, Osim probably has invented a theySqueeze or weSqueeze that really can squeeze your legs hard till you just go "OoooAahhhhh". That just remind me that maybe I should try my luck and write to Uncle Santa. Perhaps, he can grant my wish this christmas. Hee my feet will be very delighted if I ever get to have the USqueeze. I am serious because I have to wear high heels to work from morning to late at night and sometimes, I can even hear my feet crying at the end of the day. It is that bad. :(

On another note, I miss my big foot so much.

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